Monday, January 24, 2022


 Hello, all!

I was born and raised in Aberdeen for most of my life except for the single year my family moved to Virginia. Virginia showed me that there are other places than rinky-dink South Dakota, what with its nature and people and rivers. I loved the rivers.

My fondest memory would have to be when my dad gifted me a simple point-and-shoot camera that I still have to this day. It might still be in the back of my car, now that I think of it. Anyway, it was waterproof and ate more AAA batteries than I did food.

My absolute favorite movie ever is "Swiss Army Man" starring Paul Dano as a lost and confused man battling the wilderness and isolation and Daniel Radcliffe as a dead body. Masterpiece.

Photography may be something that I'm interested in, but my primary hobby includes writing all manner of work. You'll usually find me at my desk with a candle and a cup of lemonade. Or in the living room and playing games. I'm not entirely sure.

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